
Ema Müller – Fashion PR, contributing editor for Vogue…

Ema, you are a successful young woman who managed to achieve many great things at such young age. Let’s start with your career as a model: If my information is correct, you walked the runway for some of the world’s famous fashion houses. Can you tell us little bit more about this experience?

Not really (she laughs)! I never really was a successful model. I had travelled a bit, worked on some interesting projects, met super talented people and stopped modeling before it actually got anywhere. It just wasn’t for me. I wasn’t tall enough and my measurements never met the conditions so I was starving myself all the time. But it was a great learning experience. Somehow, life knows what to show you and where to take you; you just have to take the best out of it. 

Source: Ema Müller’s Instagram

I read that you studied Fashion Marketing in Paris and during your studies you interned for brands like Karla Otto. How did these experiences shape your career?

I really had the chance to work as an intern in some great fashion places: Karla Otto, Carven, Chloé… As part of my four-year fashion business program at the university, we had one “stage obligatory” every year. And each year the internship lasted longer.  Also, I had to find them myself which was a real nightmare. My very first experience was one month of sales at Marc by Marc Jacobs on Place du Marché Saint Honoré and the last one was at Carven where I spent 6 months as a PR intern.  My first real job was also at Carven but straight after graduation, I couldn’t find another job so at first, I sold women’s underwear in Galerie Lafayette. And even though I cried every morning while beeping my badge, thinking that four years’ studying was for nothing, that job was so much fun. Even now all my girlfriends want me to go lingerie shopping with them; I am a real pro in choosing the perfect size and shape of bras. 🙂

Currently you are working as a fashion PR in Paris and contributing editor for Vogue CS. Can you tell us little bit about both of these jobs and what excites you about them?

I still do Fashion PR but as a freelancer now. I help international or emerging brands with their communication strategies and visibility on the French or other European markets. 

At Vogue, I am the Contributing Editor which means that I write monthly articles (about my broken heart, hormonal changes or neurotic mind) for the print edition. I also work on projects for their online and social media platforms such as my Ema’s Diaries or contributing to Beauty Talk with Cindy (Cindy Kerberova is Vogue’s Beauty Director and my dear friend: God, I love that girl!). I also represent Vogue CS here in Paris which means that if an interesting event is taking place and no one from the redaction is in town, I put on my fancy clothes and try to be sociable. Or funny. Or both. It’s so hard!

Life is short and you

have dreams to fulfill.

Ema Müller

The competition in the fashion world and particularly in Paris must be fierce! Do you have any tips on how to make it work for any readers who dream of a fashion career in Paris?

Fashion loves strong characters but the fashion world is so diverse that someone is going to fall in love with yours. Just be yourself and don’t change. If it doesn’t work in the first place because they don’t appreciate your efforts, it will work in the second, third or even the hundredth place. Life is short and you have dreams to fulfill. Be the nicest version of yourself. Authenticity and an honest smile conquer all. 

 I love the “Som Bohyňa” movement and the inspiration it brings for all the girls and women who follow you on social media. Can you elaborate where this idea came from, what the goal is and your future plans?

If I really think about it, the first time I mentioned that women are goddesses was in one of my articles for Vogue. I said something like – “I cannot do this, I am terrible in that I hate my body, I still cry and fight with myself but I am a goddess”.  After that I received some positive feedback and found out that I am not the only one who feels the same way. We all need a kick from time to time and to be here for each other, standing hand-in-hand. 

“Som Bohyna” is a statement. A lifestyle. It is about accepting who you are, changing things you want to change and loving yourself endlessly. Bad days will always come, that’s a fact, but sooner or later you will find a way to deal with them. We are goddesses! We are amazing! We are perfect and all those imperfections look so good on us. 

Source: Ema Müller’s Instagram

I know that you also have a successful podcast called Témy Emy where you talk about self-love, what we as women face from society and how to be comfortable in our own skin. Was this podcast created as part of Som Bohyňa movement? I suppose the topics you discuss are something that you are also dealing with yourself?

The podcast started during the first Covid lockdown last year. I had a lot of spare time so I decided to write more. My mum once told me that if you want to become a good writer, you have to keep writing, more and more. I started writing daily, but I wanted to share these thoughts with other girls who are maybe going through the same and feel alone. That’s how Témy Emy started. 

And trust me, you don’t know how much better I feel knowing that somebody on the other side listens to my feelings and feels the same way. Knowing that we really are in it together.

You inspire and support women on your Instagram account every day. How does it feel to be so real in a world that is not always projecting real life; that puts a lot of pressure on people (not just women) to live the perfect life?

I am just being myself in a way that is natural to me at this moment. The way you are on your social media platform is entirely up to you. If you are not hurting anyone, just do whatever you feel like doing. You want to create and project a new life for yourself on Instagram in order to feel better? Do it. Should you use beauty filters if it makes you feel more beautiful? Of course. Just feel good in anything you do, online or offline.  

Do you feel that there is still a lot of pressure on women in today’s society to be perfect in our jobs, relationships, friendships and family life? How do you think we can push back against these unrealistic expectations?

By putting yourself first. It is not selfish to live your own life in a way where you put yourself first before the rest of the world. By giving yourself what you need, you get control of everything else and this fills you with love for those others you want to love. 

I have started this blog to bring awareness to the fact that there is still a lot of stigma about girls going into sciences, building their own business, working in IT, attaining high-level positions or simply just chasing their professional dreams with the same dedication as men. How do you see it and what do you think can be done to change this narrative?

Please, let me tell you – you are doing an amazing job, goddess!

I still find it so outstanding when women support other women. And just like that we can change the narrative. By standing all together, hold hands, talk loudly and remind each other that we can do whatever the fuck we want.

And last but not least. If you could give advice to one girl or a woman that will read this interview, what would it be?

Take first place in your life. It is not selfish. It just belongs to you. 

Témy Emy podcast